In recent years, we’ve seen a noticeable trend: the skies are opening up more often and with greater intensity. According to back-to-back reports from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the outlook consistently points to well above average precipitation along the Gulf Coast, the Atlantic Seaboard, and the northern Midwest.

With heavier rains becoming the norm, your building’s waterproofing is no longer a “nice-to-have”; it’s an absolute necessity. Failing to invest in proper waterproofing could leave your property vulnerable to costly water damage, operational disruptions, and a blow to your budget. So, if you have unallocated funds left in your current budget, now’s the time to maximize them. 

Protect Your Building with Effective Waterproofing

Waterproofing is more than just a barrier—it’s an investment in your building’s longevity. When you stay ahead of water infiltration, you extend the lifespan of essential building materials while avoiding costly repairs. Think about it: roofs, facades, windows, foundations, balconies, parking garages, planters, plaza decks, expansion joints, and below-grade areas are all vulnerable to water intrusion

Like an offensive line protects a quarterback, waterproofing protects your investment by standing strong, blocking potential threats, and ensuring your building stays in top condition. But just like any good offensive line needs regular training and upkeep, your waterproofing system requires routine inspections and maintenance. By staying vigilant and proactive, you can prevent small vulnerabilities from turning into costly disasters that could deplete your budget.

Financial Pitfalls of Ignoring Waterproofing

When you ignore or defer preventative maintenance, you risk derailing your budget by robbing Peter to pay Paul for costly repairs. Take this example from our webinar: what began as a $110,000 repair nearly doubled in cost just two years later to $215,000 simply because the building owner deferred waterproofing needs. Water and other elements will continue to wreak havoc in areas where your building is vulnerable, and the damage increases exponentially.

Unfortunately, costly repairs aren’t the only financial pitfall of ignoring waterproofing repairs. Excessive water damage can also lead to higher insurance premiums or even denied claims, adding another layer of avoidable stress and strain on your budget. Extensive repair and restoration projects disrupt your operations and may require relocating tenants, missing out on revenue, and other unplanned downtime sure to affect your business operations. 

Crafting Your Waterproofing Budget: Key Components

Crafting your waterproofing budget starts with finding your baseline. From there, you can address your building’s greatest needs that fit your budget and begin a regular cadence for waterproofing maintenance.

  1. Inspections and Assessments: Integrating waterproofing into your annual budget begins with an honest assessment of your building’s vulnerabilities to water intrusion. This strategy gives you an opportunity for some quick wins to address the most dire needs while remaining within budget.
  2. Routine Maintenance: Waterproofing is not a one-time task. Components require regular inspections and minor touch-ups. For example, review manufacturer guidelines or consult with your waterproofing contractor on how often to reapply coatings.
  3. Emergency Repairs: Even with the best proactive planning, unforeseen issues can arise. Environmental conditions, weather, and pollutants vary from region to region. When these conditions are extreme, they can compromise the integrity of waterproofing products. 
  4. Upgrades and Improvements: Straight from science fiction or a Marvel movie, robotics and nanotechnologies are driving advancements in waterproofing membranes to provide a more effective product while enhancing sustainability. 

Ultimately, you need to align your building’s needs with your budget. For instance, going with higher-end waterproofing products provides enhanced protection and a longer time between reapplications. This will cost more initially but will pay off in the long run. It’s all about allocating budget dollars to provide the most protection and maximize your spending. 

Maximizing Your Budget: Protect and Prevent

As the year draws to a close, make the most of any remaining budget dollars before they’re lost. We offer several essential maintenance and preventative projects to protect your property, reduce liabilities, and ensure your budget stays on track next year. 

Smart Moves for Year-end Budget:

  • Trip Hazards/Paver Repairs: Addressing these now helps prevent accidents and further damage, saving you money in the long run.
  • Sealants and Caulking: Reapplying these materials is a cost-effective way to maintain your building’s integrity.
  • Painting/Coating: Protect your building’s facade and other vulnerable areas with a fresh coat of paint or protective coating.
  • Concrete Repairs: Address any cracks or damage in concrete surfaces before they worsen, leading to more extensive and costly repairs.
  • Facade Assessment: Conduct routine facade assessments to address problems now and avoid expensive repairs later.

Investing in these smaller yet critical projects protects your property, prevents future damage, and ensures value from every dollar of your budget. 

Don’t let unused funds go to waste — contact April today to learn how we can help you maximize your budget and secure the long-term benefits of comprehensive waterproofing and maintenance for your building.